24 Haziran 2011 Cuma

I’m Afraid of Not Losing the Baby Weight: What is the Best Food for Pregnant Women to Gain the Right Amount?

It is a common worry, wondering what to eat while pregnant so that you don’t gain too much weight during pregnancy. But gaining too much doesn’t just make it harder for you to shed the excess once your baby is born. Eating the wrong food for pregnant women can also result in gestational diabetes, difficult labors, and of course unwanted weight gain.
Gain Weight Girl! Your Pregnancy Diet Includes Eating More
So how do you keep yourself on track? The good news is that pregnant women must and should gain weight! This is the first time in your life that you should be happy to see the numbers on the scale steadily rising. So don’t ever approach your pregnancy diet as a “diet,” but instead as a well calculated eating process that enables you and your baby to grow together.
Set Your Sights High: What to Eat When Pregnant for that 20-35lb Gaining Goal
If you are of normal weight when you become pregnant, then it is recommended that you gain anywhere from 20-30 pounds over the course of your pregnancy. This weight shouldn’t be put on through processed junk food or sugary treats- so even though you shouldn’t be dieting in the ordinary sense of the word, you should be choosing to eat foods that will help and not harm your growing baby.
1.    Be very aware of how much sugar you take in everyday. Especially the hidden sugars found in fruit juices and condiments like ketchup and jam. Sometimes, even though you may not be eating candy or cookies, you will be taking in too much sugar throughout the day.I Want A Great Pregnant Click
2.    Don’t rely on heavily processed carbohydrates for your pregnancy diet’s “bread and butter”. Protein is one of the most important food sources that you can give your growing baby, so don’t fall into the trap of eating too many “wheat” products that are also packed with sugar and offer no fiber.
3.    Give in to your snack attacks! It is perfectly fine to snack throughout the day to keep your hunger steady and to regulate spikes in your blood sugar, but make sure those snacks are wholesome fruits, or veggies with hummus. Skip on the pretzels or chips, and instead nosh on something that will fill you up and keep you satisfied until your next meal.I Want A Great Pregnant Click

Why Omega 3’s Are Essential for a Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

When you become pregnant, you will hear that your body needs all kinds of nutritional help- a diet rich in omega 3’s tops that list. This could be because most prenatal vitamins don’t have Omega 3’s in them. Nonetheless, they are incredibly important to the development of your baby and should be included daily in your diet.
Omega 3’s are fatty acids that are sometimes called simply, essential fatty acids. The reason that Omega 3’s are considered “essential” is that it is impoassible for your body to produce it on its own, and you can only derive it from other food sources or supplementation.
This is why it is very important that you make sure to include it in your diet, you won’t be able to get it to your growing baby otherwise.
What do Omega 3’s do for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet?
Certain studies have shown that infants who are exposed to higher levels of docosahexaenoic acid, (DHA) an omega-3 fatty acid, were found to have advanced attention spans for their age, well into their second year of life.
Also, during the first six months of living, these babies were two months ahead, developmentally, than babies who had lower or non-existent levels of DHa in their blood.
Giving your baby a leg up in the brain department is important for any of us. If you can give your baby this brain-making fatty acid in the womb to boost their ease into personal growth, it makes perfect sense to do so.
But your baby being advanced beyond his years isn’t the only benefit for including omega-3’s in your pregnancy diet. I Want A Great Pregnant Click
How do Omega-3’s help my Baby and Myself During my Pregnancy Diet?
Having a diet rich in essential fatty acids can also help your fetus’s brain build exponentially better and more efficiently. It also helps form the retinas successfully, giving your child the best chance possible at having great eyesight.
They also aid in developing the nervous system. From the brain, to the eyes, to the nervous system, omega-3’s pretty much run the gamut when it comes to benefits for your baby.
For you, getting enough omega-3’scan help reduce your risk for post partum depression, minimize your chance or a pre-term baby, and even reduce your chance of developing preeclampsia. So invest in some flaxseed oil or organic eggs, your baby will thank you! I Want A Great Pregnant Click

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy: Second Trimester Suggestions

Your second trimester is a special time for you and your baby, with development fully underway your cravings will have kicked in- which makes now the perfect time to decide which foods to avoid during pregnancy and which ones to gobble up!
Perhaps one of the most exciting factors about your second trimester is that the sex of your baby has been determined, and while there are many miscues surrounding food cravings and gender prediction (starchy must-haves? It’s a boy! – Sugary, sweet treats? It’s a girl!), there will be cravings that you will need to address and manage.I Want A Great Pregnant Click
For your child’s growing fingers and toes, as well as his or her eyelids, eyelashes, nails and hair you need to be making sure that you aren’t eating empty calories that won’t aid in their proper development. Sugar is probably the biggest food to avoid during this time and protein is the most important nutrient to incorporate.
Pregnancy Nutrition is Protein Packed and Sugarless!
This is by far one of the hardest food cravings to manage. So how do you go sugarless and pack in the protein? Well, first you must be intentional about your diet and go about making it structured enough to provide proficient protein, but still flexible enough to make way for certain cravings.
Amino acids are paramount to your child’s hair, teeth, nails and bone development during this time. Hopefully your first trimester nausea has abated and you can once again face chicken, beef and eggs.
How do you Successfully Create a Sugar Free Pregnancy Diet Plan to Aid your Baby’s General Development? I Want A Great Pregnant Click
When it comes to going sugarless, all it takes is for you to make a few small changes. If you had a diet that was heavy in sweets before you found out you were pregnant, making the transition may sound difficult at first.
But it is only a matter of time until your taste buds and cravings fall into line with your eating habits. You can train your body to crave healthier foods by feeding cravings with a non-sugary treat.
Feeling like you need a sugar fix? Reach for an organic apple with raw cashew or almond butter. Tempted by the Carmello in the check out line? Bake an apple in the oven and drizzle it with raw honey, cinnamon and nutmeg. Going sugar free will never have tasted so good! I Want A Great Pregnant Click

Mercury Missteps: Fishy Foods to Eat While Pregnant

There is and always will be buzz surrounding high-mercury fish and foods to eat while pregnant. While your body can greatly benefit from the healthy fats found in certain fish, you can also seriously harm your growing baby by exposing it to high levels of mercury in the womb. The best thing to do, if you have a hankering for some seafood, is to do your homework. I Want A Great Pregnant Click
Friendly Fish: The Best Fish to Include in Your Pregnancy Diet Plan
This list is the one that you can rejoice in! For those that have always been lovers of seafood, print this out and tuck it in your purse. While there are a ton of diet no-no’s when you are pregnant- especially when it comes to mercury- this list will help in giving you a little more freedom when you go out for date night at your favorite surf and turf restaurant.
Enjoy two 6-oz servings per week:
Butterfish        Scallops
Calamari        Flounder
Caviar (farmed)    Haddock
Crab (king)         Herring
Pollock        Sole
Catfish            Crawfish
Whitefish        Salmon
Shrimp            Clams
Fish to Forget: AVOID eating altogether (but this list is much smaller, so that’s a plus!)
Orange roughy
Fish to Catch or Release: Eat no more than two 6 oz servings a month
Mahi Mahi        Cod
Crab (Dungeness)    Tuna (canned)
Snappe    r        Perch
Snow crab        Skate
Monkfish        Crab (blue)
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What are some Unique Ways to Get Fish into My Pregnancy Diet?
Fish is a funny thing, either you love it or you hate it. There isn’t many people who kind of like fish, and that’s because there is a distinct taste found that many either embrace or push away.
But if you really would like to incorporate the healthy benefits of the fatty acid found in fish and get the best they have to offer in protein, then why not try and incorporate these interesting ways to eat fish:
Open-face mahi-mahi tacos – Fresh avocado and organic pico de gallo and mahi mahi over a bed of sautéed cabbage make this option a fun and protein packed way to incorporate fish.
Baked Tilapia and Coconut Plantains with Brown Rice – After baking your tilapia to your liking, try frying some organic plantains in coconut oil and placing over long-grain brown rice. This is a wonderful combination of protein and carbohydrate and is a unique Jamaican style entrée. I Want A Great Pregnant Click

Iron Isn’t Just for Popeye: How to Fix Fatigue with Proper Pregnancy Nutrition

It’s an all too familiar feeling, you sluggishly pull yourself out of bed for yet another trip to the bathroom, wondering why proper pregnancy nutrition insists that you drink have your body weight in water a day. Then you try and get through your day without falling asleep at your desk or at the wheel. I Want A Great Pregnant Click

You longingly stare at coffee shops as you pass them by, while another yawn escapes from your body. It’s not easy making a baby. And its no wonder why! Creating life can take a lot of the life out of you, but the reward is so worth it! I Want A Great Pregnant Click

How Can I Trade in Sleepiness for Restfulness? A Pregnancy Diet Plan for an Awake Experience

First, make sure you are taking an iron supplement. Some women will rely on their prenatal vitamin alone to meet their iron needs. But if you have ever been anemic, or find that your fatigue isn’t getting better as you progress through your trimesters, you may not be getting enough.

As a rule of thumb it is better to get your additional iron from food as opposed to supplements. Here are a few food ideas to increase your iron naturally. Some of these may surprise you.


Not only is oatmeal a wonderful source of fiber and complex carbohydrates, but steel cuts oats also have plenty of iron! Top your favorite bowl of oatmeal with some walnuts for healthy fat an d drizzle with raw honey and you will begin to feel your energy soar.

Free range dark meat poultry..I Want A Great Pregnant Click

If you were a dieter before you became pregnant you may have been one of those that always shied away from dark meat because of all the magazine articles you read about their higher fat content.

But the good news is that now is the perfect time to pile up your plate with those coveted chicken thighs. Rich in iron and super tasty, dark meat is an excellent way to get enough iron to battle fatigue in the evening time.I Want A Great Pregnant Click

Spinach and Olive Oil: Two of Popeye’s Favorite Things Should Top Your Pregnancy Foods List

All dark, leafy green vegetables are excellent sources of iron. Eat them raw and drizzled with some healthy fat-packed Olive Oil. Or, sauté them in some olive oil and sprinkle sea salt over them. Delicious!

A Better Deal with Small Meals: How to Create the Perfect Pregnancy Diet Plan

Depending on how many diets you have tried over the years, you may be familiar with the smaller meals equals smaller waist equation, but during pregnancy the word “diet” in the traditional sense should be banished from your pregnancy diet plan. This diet plan’s only job is to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need and the right amount of calories for healthy and gradual weight gain.I Want A Great Pregnant Click

Remember, weight gain is the goal- however, how you are gaining that weight and which foods are assisting you in that feat will be the difference maker in a healthy body before, during, and after your little tot arrives.

First, if you are finding that you’re beginning to bloat rather excessively after every meal, the discomfort you may be feeling may not be entirely pregnancy related it might be portion related.

Granted, you will bloat more in general during pregnancy than you did during your monthly periods. But if you want to keep yourself as comfortable at meal time as possible consider scaling back the size of your meals.

Reasons that small is best:

1.    You won’t become over tired. Yes, you are going to more fatigued during your pregnancy. This won’t be unavoidable, but if you are routinely finding yourself extremely sluggish around mealtime there may be a correlation. I Want A Great Pregnant Click

I would suggest trying to cut back the size of your portions to make sure that you are satisfied but not in pain. Its easy to think that your are “eating for two”, but that myth has proven to only become a crutch for unhealthy eating and overeating. So be sure that you listen to your body’s signals.I Want A Great Pregnant Click

2.    You can get more done throughout the day. Naps are wonderful things to take during your pregnancy, especially during the first and second trimesters. They will help your body get the time it needs to work its hardest in creating the beginning and finishing touches on your guy.

If you find that you are living in a constant state of sleep, look to your meals. Cutting the size of them can help you to stay awake longer, and sleep more soundly during those times of needed rest.

Tips to Trick Your Mind Into Sticking With Your Healthy Pregnancy Diet Plan

If you are finding that you are struggling with staying on track with your nutritious pregnancy diet plan, there are a few tips you can try to trick your body into submission. For the most part, women will find that they are more motivated than ever to eat clean and give their little growing baby all that he or she needs.I Want A Great Pregnant Click

But sometimes when you find yourself physically uncomfortable for so long, it can become so much more enticing to give into some comfort foods to keep yourself happy.

-Outwit the snack attack.

Snacking can ruin even the most carefully planned pregnancy diets, so be sure to get enough food at each meal without overeating. If you find yourself consistently hungry between meals you may not be getting enough protein or eating too many refined carbohydrates.

If that is the case you will be easily persuaded to grab something quick and easy- and undoubtedly unhealthy for you- since most fast food is the quickest way to unwanted weight gain and chemical consumption.

And remember chemicals are very bad for the baby, especially artificial sugars, trans fats, and high-fructose corn syrup- all of which have been linked to abnormality in infants.

-Balance your metabolism with meal timing

To assist you in outwitting the snack attack, eating smaller, more nutritious meals more often will allow for shorter amounts of time between meals and further enable you to keep unhealthy snacking at bay.

Balancing your metabolism with a steady stream of healthy food is not only great for your hard-working-baby-making body, but also is the best way to gain the right amount of weight for your height and body type.

-Drink more H20

Just as in any other time of your life, you may be mistaking hunger cues from your body will the onset of dehydration. So before you reach for that bad snack choice, rethink your day’s water intake. It is recommended that you drink half your body weight in pounds, in ounces of water (70 ounces if you weight 140 pounds), so chances are you may just be needed a good old fashioned watering.I Want A Great Pregnant Click

Even if you feel like you’ve gotten enough water it is never a bad idea to drink a full glass before you decide on what to eat. It will take the edge off and may give you a little more time to make a healthy choice as opposed to eating whatever you can get your hands on.

A Good “Whole Body” Diet During Pregnancy Is More than Just Nutrition

Yes, proper nutrition is the key ingredient in making your diet during pregnancy a healthy one. But there is so much more to a healthy term than getting the right supplements and foods.
Don’t underestimate the benefit of fresh air. If you are very careful about what you put into your body and believe yourself to have a very good idea of what you should and shouldn’t be having during your pregnancy, then you may want to do a few things outside of the realm of the food world to give yourself an even higher level of health.I Want A Great Pregnant Click
The power of moving while you are pregnant isn’t to be underestimated. Even if you weren’t an exerciser before you found out you were pregnant, that doesn’t mean you can’t begin an exercise program now.
Depending on the time of the year that you are pregnant, you may be limited in how much outside exercise you can get. But if you live in an area that has mild winters or summers, take advantage of the nice days when you can!I Want A Great Pregnant Click
A simple brisk walk on your lunch break or after dinner can give you that much needed time to regroup, give your muscles some warming up for the big day of delivery, or can even give you a few moments of quiet where you can reflect on the amazing life that is growing inside of you.
A secret to getting better sleep during your pregnancy (which can aid you in stress management, overall well-being, and better emotional control) is to give yourself an earlier bedtime.
After your baby arrives, schedules will be key in getting yourself and your baby used to co-existing and happily doing so. So why not start now on give yourself some practice on giving out bedtimes- beginning with yourself!I Want A Great Pregnant Click
The ideal time to get to bed is before 10pm. If you have to work early in the morning, that may not be difficult to do at all, and you may even find yourself getting naturally tired at the time or before. The reason for your earlier exhaustion is easy, your body is doing a lot of work during each one of your trimesters, so give it the rest it needs to properly create a beautiful baby and a happier you!

23 Haziran 2011 Perşembe

How to Keep the Ball Rolling: What is the Right Food for Pregnant Women When You’re No Longer Pregnant?

You may not realize it right now, (since being pregnant has the ability to make time stand still) but your pregnancy will end with a new bundle of joy to care for, so how do you make the transition from healthy pregnancy food to healthy post-partum food?
No matter how many books you read or how much good advice you get from women who have gone before, your journey from pregnancy to motherhood will be all your own. It will be a rite of passage that at times will be the most difficult and the most rewarding you have ever had.
You have heard the jokes about nighttime feedings and never sleeping again, and while most of those comments are easy to laugh at, it’s even easier to think that people tend to exaggerate. However, the truth is they may not be exaggerating–especially if they are parents themselves.
But even though those first few weeks of your baby’s life will be exhausting (no matter how you slice it) don’t feed into that exhaustion with a poor diet it will only make your sleep depravation worse.
Ideas to keep you well fed when un-rested:
- Prepare meals and freeze them I Want A Great Pregnant Click
In those final weeks before your due date, if you can muster up the strength to cook large batches of some of your favorite meals and then freeze them, you will be thanking your lucky stars when you are starving and have zero energy to even make a piece of toast.
-Make a list of easy and quick snacks for a friendI Want A Great Pregnant Click
Enlist help. Those that love you and that are excited for your new addition will be more than happy to help in any way. So make a quick list of easy to grab items at the local grocery store.
More Ideas on Getting Healthy Food for Pregnant Women After-the-Fact
-Assign a family or friend to do your grocery getting
Just like snacks, be quick to ask someone for help with your grocery shopping. Make a list of healthy organic fruits and veggies and healthy, lean proteins. Having a house full of healthy food will make it that much easier to stay on track, instead of relying on take-out during those hectic first weeks. I Want A Great Pregnant Click

Energy Boosters and Busters While Eating During Pregnancy

Energy Boosters and Busters While Eating During Pregnancy

Energy may be something you never really have again- once the baby arrives you will find that your definition of “rest” changes drastically! But here are some energy boosters and busters that will help you get all the gumption you can while eating during pregnancy.
First of all, lets do a little inventory check. When you begin to fell your energy wane, what is your first response? Do you dive for the sugar bowl? Or maybe you brew a cup of coffee, or by chance lunge for an organic apple? Or do you find that whole fruit is the last thing on your mind when you need a little pick-me-up?
Energy Boosters: Pregnancy Foods that Help but the Pep Back in your Step
Let’s face it, sometimes our instincts toward food for energy don’t necessarily reflect the healthiest of choices. That’s because our instincts can be heavily influenced by television, advertisements, and the like. So you may just need a little reprogramming.
Your body won’t have to crash over a chocolate bar sugar high or spike your blood sugar sky high with a binge on doughnuts if you reach for the right things in times of tiredness.
Protein: I know that protein isn’t the first thing you think of when your sugar cravings kick in.  But the truth is that the more protein you eat the less your blood sugar will be instable, keeping you fuller longer.
Fruit: The natural sugar in fruit will take that edge off and give you the energy you need to make it through the afternoon. Don’t confuse whole fruit with fruit juice though. Some fruit juices contain more sugar than a candy bar! So if you are just dying for a glass of juice try your hand at juicing it yourself.
Skip out on the bagels, or any highly processed carbohydrates. These products act the same way in your system as sugar does, creating a high and then a crash that will just leave you reaching for another food source that will repeat the entire cycle again.
Also, you shouldn’t be drinking large amounts of caffeine while you are pregnant anyway, but be sure to keep your intake around 150mg a day if you are seriously addicted. This will help to keep you hydrated and also to keep you from getting jittery or sending those jitters to your little baby to try and deal with. You can tone it down from there.

21 Haziran 2011 Salı

Need Calcium? A Dairy-Free Diet Can Deliver

I was sitting here the other day thinking about that old ‘80s dairy commercial. You know the one with the tagline that says, “Milk Does a Body Good.” The slogan is catchy and unforgettable, but the claims are a bit twisted. Believe it or not, a dairy-free diet will do your body much better than one that contains milk.
From growth hormones, to antibiotics, to pasteurization, to homogenization – there are so many things wrong with the milk nowadays. I could go on for hours about the damage drinking milk can do to your health. This is why I advise people to stay away from the stuff.

The Truth About Dairy and Calcium

I know exactly what you’re thinking. “If I follow a dairy-free diet, how will I get enough calcium to keep my bones from crumbling out from under me?”
The answer is quite simple. Load your plate with veggies, and make your mamma proud by actually eating them. People think I’m nuts when I tell them veggies are a much better source of calcium than dairy. After all, the “big-wigs” who can afford multimillion dollar dairy campaigns say otherwise – and who am I to challenge them?
It’s like this: I’ve always given it to you straight, and I’m not about to hold back now. Contrary to what you were taught, milk does not hold the monopoly on calcium. I repeat. Milk does NOT hold the monopoly on calcium. In fact, milk is not even an adequate source of calcium.
By the time manufacturers finish pasteurizing, homogenizing, enriching, fluffing, stuffing and whatever else they do to prepare milk for the marketplace, a lot of the calcium is unusable by the body. This could be one of the reasons why osteoporosis is on the rise. I won’t even get started on the other ailments drinking milk can cause.

Healthy Eating Plan vs. Dieting-Which One Do You Like?

When it comes to losing weight and keeping it off, a healthy eating plan trumps dieting every time. Why? Because nutritious eating is a lifestyle change whereas dieting is short-lived. If you’re torn between going on a diet and following a healthy eating plan, here are some reasons to choose the latter.

A Healthy Eating Plan Helps You Learn About Nutrition

Losing weight is not just about looking good in a pair of jeans; it’s also about improving your overall health. Diets that suggest you drink only liquids or eliminate carbohydrates or fats are hogwash. Our bodies are fueled by the nutrients in the foods we eat. Any diet that requires you to eliminate some of the most important foods will ruin your health.
Poor nutritional health contributes to diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer and other life altering health conditions. Most of the foods marketed by manufacturers as “healthy” aren’t healthy at all. Nope. Not even a little bit.
If you don’t know what to look for, it’s easy to believe that frozen dinners, nutritional shakes, snack bars and other processed foods are alright to eat. When you opt for a healthy eating plan instead of a “diet,” you learn to make every calorie count by choosing foods that give you the best nutritional bang for your efforts.

Diets are Restrictive, Time Consuming and Confusing

Measuring food, counting calories and reading labels are time-sucks you can do without. Healthy foods are low in calories so there’s no reason to measure (although you still need to eat sensibly), use charts or count calories. Seriously, who has time to do this stuff? I certainly don’t, and I’m guessing you don’t either.
This diet tells you to sip shakes all day. That diet tells you to do away with all fats. Another diet advises you to kick carbs to the curb. And finally, you’re roped into believing that eating frozen diet meals for the rest of your life is A-O-kay. Confusing, right? Unlike a traditional diet, there is nothing restrictive or perplexing about a healthy eating plan.
When you learn which foods are actually good for you, you can use them to create healthier versions of the foods you love. Take for instance the blueberry pancake recipe I sent out in one of my newsletters. Instead of using white flour or pancake mix, the recipe creator used rolled oats and a few other healthy ingredients.
Once you learn how make nutritious meals with the foods that make you weak in the knees, you will never feel restricted in what you can eat.

I Need to Lose Weight by Eating Organic-How Can I Afford it

 I Need to Lose Weight by Eating Organic-How Can I Afford it

My DSP followers and blog readers keep me motivated. I want to pay it forward by answering your common nutrition questions. Here’s a great one: I need to lose weight by eating organic. How do I accomplish this without ending up in the poor house?
First, let me just reassure you that your ability to lose weight is not dependent on whether you eat organic foods or not. If you follow the right eating plan, you can achieve successful weight loss results without going organic. However, if you want to invest in your long-term health, an organic diet is definitely worth considering.
If you’re a regular reader, you know that I’m a huge advocate of organic foods. I know what kind of garbage farmers and manufacturers use in conventional foods, that’s why I don’t buy them. I’m not going to sit here and pretend that organic foods aren’t pricy, because they are. However, there are ways to add organic foods to your diet without going broke.

Squeezing Healthy Meal Plans into a Hectic Life

Just like a lot of you guys, I’m super busy. There are things I just don’t have time to do. However, no matter how hectic my life gets, I always make time for healthy meal plans. Is it easy? Not always. But good health is something I value; so the extra time I put into planning and preparing wholesome meals is well worth it. No matter how rushed life gets, you too can find time for good nutrition.Click Here To Start Burning Fat Now !

Plan Your Menus Ahead of Time

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Instead of playing mealtimes by ear, plan your menu a week in advance. Weekly menu planning only takes a few minutes, but it can make working healthy meals into your life a lot easier. You can create a simple menu template on your computer or you can take a blank sheet of paper, divide it into sections and write down your meals and snacks for the week.
Some of you might find it more convenient to use a dry erase board for menu planning. There’s no right or wrong way to create a menu. It’s all about what works best for you. The only stipulation is that the meals you plan must be nutritious (no processed foods allowed). Once you finish making your menu, stick it on the refrigerator or somewhere else that’s visible.

The Diet Solution Recipes: How to Make Your Own

Some people are intimidated by the idea of preparing healthy meals; so they either eat grilled chicken everyday, or they stick to theDiet Solution recipes listed on this site. Newsflash! These are not your only options for nutritious meals. Making your own healthy recipes is easier than you think. Simply start with the right ingredients and learn to channel your inner chef.
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Choose Natural Ingredients

When you’re preparing your recipes, always use wholesome ingredients. With all of the different foods on the market, trying to determine what’s healthy and what’s not is kind of difficult. I have one rule that I follow – keep everything as natural as possible.
Natural foods include fresh produce, whole eggs, free-range poultry and lean meats. These foods are not processed and they do not contain trans-fats, preservatives or any of the other chemical additives that make them dangerous for human consumption.

Use Organic Fruits, Veggies and Meats Whenever Possible

Those of you who read my blog or follow the DSP program know where I stand with regard to organic foods. I choose organic meat, poultry and produce for my family because these foods don’t contain synthetic chemicals, sewer sludge or genetically engineered materials.
Besides, when I think about feeding my little one food that can potentially cause or contribute to life-altering conditions, it motivates me to buy organic every chance I get.
Despite what manufacturers say, your body was not designed to handle the toxins in processed foods.

Prepare Food Using the Right Kind of Oil

You’ll find a lot of recipes that require food to be sautéed, baked, fried or grilled. If you want to make your Diet Solution recipes as healthy as possible, forget about using shortening and vegetable oil. Instead, use olive oil, real butter or coconut oil–all organic of course. All of these oils are healthy and can add nutritional value to your meals.
Coconut oil is great for deep frying foods. Olive oil and real butter can be used for sautéing. If you try to deep fry your foods in olive oil or butter, you may set your kitchen on fire, so please, don’t do it! You can also use olive oil to coat your meats and vegetables before grilling or baking them.
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Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment in the Kitchen

Recipes are not etched in concrete. You have every right to modify them by swapping out unhealthy ingredients for ingredients that are more nutritious. For instance, if you come across a recipe that calls for milk, you can make it healthier by replacing it with raw milk, almond milk, or coconut milk.
If you don’t like a particular food, or you want to give a recipe a different flavor, simply replace or eliminate the ingredients of your choice.  Also, don’t be afraid to get in the kitchen and use healthy ingredients to whip up a few original concoctions of your own. Chefs do it all the time. I’m definitely not a chef and I do it too.
Sometimes my self-created mixtures are a big hit and others times – not so much. The point is there are a lot of delicious, healthy recipes to be made; so get in that kitchen and start mixing! I’m always itching to try new foods. If you come up with a dish that you absolutely love, send me the recipe so I can taste test it.
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20 Haziran 2011 Pazartesi

Diet Slotions Programs !


You'll learn strategies and secrets, like...

  • Why calorie counting will never work for long term weight loss and how restricting calories is probably the worst thing you can do to lose weight.
  • Why carbs are not your enemy and how to enjoy a healthy fat burning nutrition program that includes all the carbs you need.
  • Which "so called" health foods are actually making your body store tons of fat
  • Why you must, must, must eat lots of food in order to finally shed the pounds and why many people have been falsely led to believe the complete opposite.
... And much, much more!

3 Simple, Healthy Meal Plans You Can Start Right Now

 Click Here To Start Burning Fat Now !
To get started right away on your own fat loss goals , download these Simple and Healthy Meal Plans right now.

Is it possible to put together a simple and healthy meal plan?  One that is not going to be complicated and hard to follow?  Yes.  It is possible and I will show you how.   The healthy meal plans below will help you achieve your health goals while simultaneously shedding fat off your body.
Here are 3 healthy meal plans you can get started on right now.

Protein should be included in every meal throughout the day and breakfast is no exception.  Make sure to include organic eggs, cottage cheese, raw nut butter or smoked fish as one component of your healthy breakfast.  Carbohydrates should also be included in the form of oatmeal, sprouted grain bread, fruit and/or vegetables.
3 great sample breakfasts are:
Oatmeal with almond butter, topped with fresh berries and a bit of Stevia to sweeten.
2 hard boiled eggs, 1 slice sprouted grain toast and ½ grapefruit
Smoked salmon over sliced tomato and 1 green apple
The same rules apply as breakfast.  An easy way to ensure that you always have a healthy protein available for lunch is to pack leftovers from dinner the night before.  Leftover hamburger, chicken legs or wild fish are all great to include in a salad or over vegetables.
3 great sample lunches are:
Baked Tilapia over sautéed spinach, green salad with chick peas (oil and vinegar as dressing) followed by  ½ cup of pineapple.
Leftover chicken legs with ½ sweet potato and broccoli.
Lean hamburger over portabella mushroom and brown rice.  Cooked vegetables or a green salad.  1 orange.
Dinner Click Here To Start Burning Fat Now !
You can really be creative with dinner.  Look for recipes that are quick and easy and modify them with your own healthy ingredients as needed.  Again, always remember to include protein and carbohydrates.
3 great sample dinners are:
Mexican salad: Ground beef over shredded lettuce and tomato, guacamole and brown rice.
Grilled Salmon over asparagus, green salad (oil and vinegar as dressing) followed by a  fresh fruit salad.
Buffalo meat balls over rice pasta with sautéed broccoli.
You never want to let your body get too hungry.  Hunger often leads to binge eating of unhealthy food and makes sticking to a healthy eating regimen much more difficult.  It’s important to keep snacks handy so you never experience hunger or a blood sugar low without having a healthy option nearby.
3 great snacks are:
2 Tbsp almond butter on ½ apple
Trail mix made up of walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and dried fruit (no sugar added)
Cottage cheese and pineapple
Incorporate just a few of these meals into your daily eating regimen and you will see an incredible difference in your weight loss results.  Following simple and healthy meal plans like these is the first step in achieving your health and fitness goals. Click Here To Start Burning Fat Now !
To get started right away on your own fat loss goals , download these Simple and Healthy Meal Plans right now.

Sample Diet Plan

The Diet Solution  Click Here to try
Breakfast 2 poached eggs
1 cup sautéed spinach
1 pear
Morning Snack 2 Tablespoons almond butter
1 green apple
Celery sticks
Lunch 4 ounces grilled chicken
Salad with romaine, tomato, cucumber
1 cup asparagus
2 teaspoons olive oil
Apple cider vinegar
Afternoon Snack 1 ounce raw walnuts
6 baby carrots
½ cup blueberries
Dinner 4 oz salmon
1 cup steamed broccoli
Green salad

The Diet Solution  Click Here to try

Lost 5lbs in 6 days!

Just a quick update, I have had a quick check in on my scales for the purpose of writing this blog and I have lost 5lbs since Monday!
I feel great! Not because the scales say I have lost weight however, I feel great because I am eating well, I am loving my journey, I am excited about getting back into my pre-pregnancy clothes and because my clothes are not as tight so feel more comfortable!
I will be talking about ‘the scales’ in a future blog as too many people focus on the scales and not how they feel. It should all be about how you feel and and using those good feelings to help fuel your motivation. Because your weight can fluctuate on the scales people allow those scales to control and demotivate them.
I would normally never go on the scales this much, I am only doing it for the purpose of the blog. Normally I would focus more on how I feel and have a weekly check in at the most. Its not about what the scales say but rather how you feel in your own skin and your clothes. So focus on those feelings of feeling good, healthier, lighter, excited, more comfortable, more energetic – as each time you feel like that know that it makes the rest of your journey easier, more driven and more enjoyable!

Dieting is easy – its life that’s hard!

  I weighed myself yesterday I have lost 2.5lbs already woo hoo! The scales showed that I am 9 stone and 6.5lbs. Amazing considering I only started this on Monday and had a night out on Wednesday so 3 days in and I am off to a really good start so I am really pleased.
 Today is Friday and I weighed myself this morning and the scales showed 9 stone 8lb. Now if that happened to you how would you feel? How many of you would be really disappointed? Angry maybe? Upset? Feel like a failure? Blame and question yourself? Feel like you’re not good enough or you can’t do it? Feel like it’s too hard or pointless to even try so give up or switch to a different diet? How many of you even though the reality is that you have already lost 1lb in only 4 days, would be more bothered about the fact you lost 2.5lb and then gained 1.5? How many of you are more bothered about what the scales say rather than how you feel? Well not me! This is one of the secrets and one of the things we will go into in more detail on my course.
 Making sure you have right goal and the right motivation is so important! My goal is that by 25th of June when I run my course I will weigh somewhere between 8 stone 9lbs and 9 stone which is a good weight for someone of my height and build. That’s 7 weeks and 5 days or 54 days to lose between 9 and 14lbs. The reality is I am doing great as I am only 4 days in and I am on track to lose my target weight! I only need to lose between 1.5 to 2lbs per week to reach my goal so I am over the moon! In other words my focus is in the right place – my goal not the process! Can you imagine what it would be like if you rode a bicycle and put all of your attention on watching your feet and making sure the wheels and the chain were turning? You would soon fall off or crash into the nearest lamppost! Everyone knows in order to ride straight and get to where you want to go you need to look ahead to where you want to be not where you or now or where you have been!
 Like riding a bike, weight loss is all about balance! Sometimes you wobble to the left or the right but you learn to use the wobbles to get it just right. You learn so much from those wobbles as they teach you where you need to shift your weight or which way you need to turn the handlebars to get your balance right, so that you can ride your bike and get to your destination. So learn to love your wobbles, they are valuable friends and teachers that tell you so much useful and vital information to help you get to wherever you want to go.

Live and let diet!

Hello and thank you for reading my blog. I have never done this before so I have no idea what I am doing so I hope it works ok.
This blog will cover some of the stuff that I will teach on the course but not in any depth. You will got lots of hints and tips however as the weeks go on.
So lets start. I weighed myself yesterday and I was 9 stone 9 lbs. I am only 5 foot 1 in and after having my 3rd child 21 months ago, I still have quite a bit of weight around my tummy and legs etc. I also measured my waist and it was 34 inches.
So whats the secret as to how I am going to do it? Well there are many. I will try to include as many as I can in the next few weeks. The first one and probably one of the most important ones is to make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons!
We often think we know why we are doing it and we think we really want to do it but lets look at that a little bit closer.
Ask yourself the following questions – how happy are you in the rest of your life? Your work and career? Family and friends? Love and romance? Physical health and emotional well-being? Finances? Recreation, fun and leisure time? Your environment? Your personal development?
Often if we aren’t happy with one or more of these areas it can interfere with our motivation to lose weight. Sometimes its something underlying that’s totally unconnected to losing weight that is the very thing that is stopping it happen! For example, if you come home from work and you have had a totally stressful day  – another in a long line of many – how easy is it to stay motivated in terms of weight loss? When you have had a day like that, what do you want to do most when you come home? Is it to sit down and put your feet up? Is it to decide not go to the gym because you’re too tired? Is is to open a bottle of wine or have a few cans as you have had a hard day and you deserve it or you need to unwind? Is is to eat something comforting like crisps or chocolate because you feel totally cheesed off!
We are our own worst enemy! That’s why you need to start by taking a look at the whole of your life to make this stuff work.
Ok so I am on day 2 how I am doing? No problem at all. I was tempted to eat one of the kids Easter eggs yesterday when I was still working at 7pm at night and I had hardly stopped all day, but I didn’t. Why? Well because my work is  very important to me and I enjoy it. I wasnt enjoying it at this point to tell the truth. In fact I was feeling sick of my life at the point of wanting to eat the egg so I just asked myself what was I wanting to achieve by eating it? What would eating it give me? The answer was simple – I felt like I deserved a treat because I had worked so hard all day and I was still working even though I knew I had, had enough and I still wasnt finished. I was cheesed off because I hadn’t spent any time with my family and I was feeling guilty but I was torn because I had to get my work finished. So it wasnt the egg I wanted it was a distraction, a break, a treat and not to feel guilty. Now I had a choice. I needed to choose between the work I had to do, taking a break and continuing when the kids went to bed, calling it quits for the night or eating the egg.

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