Energy Boosters and Busters While Eating During Pregnancy
Energy may be something you never really have again- once the baby arrives you will find that your definition of “rest” changes drastically! But here are some energy boosters and busters that will help you get all the gumption you can while eating during pregnancy.
First of all, lets do a little inventory check. When you begin to fell your energy wane, what is your first response? Do you dive for the sugar bowl? Or maybe you brew a cup of coffee, or by chance lunge for an organic apple? Or do you find that whole fruit is the last thing on your mind when you need a little pick-me-up?
Energy Boosters: Pregnancy Foods that Help but the Pep Back in your Step
Let’s face it, sometimes our instincts toward food for energy don’t necessarily reflect the healthiest of choices. That’s because our instincts can be heavily influenced by television, advertisements, and the like. So you may just need a little reprogramming.
Your body won’t have to crash over a chocolate bar sugar high or spike your blood sugar sky high with a binge on doughnuts if you reach for the right things in times of tiredness.
Protein: I know that protein isn’t the first thing you think of when your sugar cravings kick in. But the truth is that the more protein you eat the less your blood sugar will be instable, keeping you fuller longer.
Fruit: The natural sugar in fruit will take that edge off and give you the energy you need to make it through the afternoon. Don’t confuse whole fruit with fruit juice though. Some fruit juices contain more sugar than a candy bar! So if you are just dying for a glass of juice try your hand at juicing it yourself.
Skip out on the bagels, or any highly processed carbohydrates. These products act the same way in your system as sugar does, creating a high and then a crash that will just leave you reaching for another food source that will repeat the entire cycle again.
Also, you shouldn’t be drinking large amounts of caffeine while you are pregnant anyway, but be sure to keep your intake around 150mg a day if you are seriously addicted. This will help to keep you hydrated and also to keep you from getting jittery or sending those jitters to your little baby to try and deal with. You can tone it down from there.
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